Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Feature Colour: Turquoise Mood Board

One of my favourite colours

Since forever ago I have always been drawn to turquoise and it has become one of my favourite if not THE favourite colour of mine. 

In my art practise you will notice that I always seem to sneak in a bit of turquoise or electric blue or green and love how bright it is (especially when paired with neon pink - snazzy colour combo right there). 

My mumsie has always been into beautiful bright colours and I think that must be where I get it from, so I thought why not do a colour feature blog post and create a sort of mood board for this delicious colour.

I am not sure what my colours will be exactly yet and I still have a lot of time to decide for the big day but these mood boards always help inspire me and its a great idea to create them to get a feel of the colour and see how it looks in different scenarios and situations.


Stay Snazzy,

Kirst Ohh

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