Friday, June 29, 2012

Kate Waterhouse and Luke Ricketson wedding in Sicily

Gorgeous Kate Waterhouse got married yesterday! 

She wore a lovely chiffon and silk gown with her hair up and had a beautiful simple bouquet of what looks like white lilys.  The long stems wrapped in ribbon are so pretty.

Kate and her now husband Luke Ricketson tied the knot in Taormina, Sicily just shy of a year since they got engaged in the same area last July.

Mum and Dad, Rob and Gai and a small group of family and friends helped the happy couple celebrate their big day.

Kate is the daughter of Gai Waterhouse, fancy horse owner lady in Australia. 

I love how her husband wore blue, its such a nice change from black or dark grey and gave it an edgy look that really worked in the location in Sicily.  Surprisingly, I even like the whole outfit with the bow tie and pocket square. Luke totally pulled it off.

Maybe I can convince my fiance to choose a brighter colour for his suit....hmmmm doubt it!

Stay Snazzy,

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Sunday, June 24, 2012

Vanessa Manillo and Nick Lachey's Dream Wedding!

Destination Wedding!

I stumbled across these videos on youtube, because they are in America I didn't know there was a Tv special about their wedding.  As I watched on I was pleasantly surprised to find out they decided to do a destination wedding! 

I cried through the whole thing (well just the wedding part) but it was cool to see the whole process from planning to trying on dresses and having a lingerie shower(woo hoo!)  to executing the wedding on Necker Island in the British Virgin Islands. (Sir Richard Brandson's private island).


There were lots of cool ideas like having a big wedding olympics in one of the days before the wedding on the isand, a way to get all their friends and family together and have a lot of fun running around on the beach. And some cute fun ways to hold the reception.  

Definitely one to watch, they are such an awesome couple! Do grab a box of tissues before you sit down though haha

Part One

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Stay Snazzy,

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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Chain bracelet - The Toussaints

Chain and thread - a unique take on the friendship bracelet

I got mail! This awesome bracelet arrived yesterday, a clever way of modernising the friendship bracelet with the combination of hard and soft: chain and thread.

See video below:

A friend of mine Alana runs the blog where she posts about all things creative.  After a trip to Thailand a short while ago where she saw loads of friendship bracelets for sale at the markets and around the place she decided to have a go at making her own. (see her blog post about it here:

I love how she has introduced the gold chain into its design, it gives it a point of interest and all of a sudden the traditional friendship bracelet is edgy and fashionable!

I requested a CMYK coloured one but you can get pretty much any colourways made and she has made some realy beautiful ones.  I would love to get her to make me a long chain necklace with bright turquoise interlaced through it for my wedding so hopefully we can make that happen over the next year!  

In terms of weddings, these would be a fab idea as gifts for your friends or bridesmaids.  They are only NZD$19.95 and all handmade by Lana.  

If you have any queries send her an email at

Loving my new bracelet - Thanks so much Alana!!

Stay Snazzy,


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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Vintage Kirst and Zaneo


Found these old pics of us...waaaaaay back in 2007!  
We look so young!

I cant believe we will hit 10 years in August. Aren't we awesome.

Stay Snazzy,

Kirst Ohh

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Saturday, June 9, 2012

My fiance is all kinds of amazing

The fiance and I last night out at an art event I  worked on.  He wasn't feeling well at all but hes such a trooper and came out with my brother to support me!

At Threadless, T World, aMBUSH and Vivid present: Make Great Together

Stay Snazzy,

Kirst Ohh

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Feature Colour: Turquoise Mood Board

One of my favourite colours

Since forever ago I have always been drawn to turquoise and it has become one of my favourite if not THE favourite colour of mine. 

In my art practise you will notice that I always seem to sneak in a bit of turquoise or electric blue or green and love how bright it is (especially when paired with neon pink - snazzy colour combo right there). 

My mumsie has always been into beautiful bright colours and I think that must be where I get it from, so I thought why not do a colour feature blog post and create a sort of mood board for this delicious colour.

I am not sure what my colours will be exactly yet and I still have a lot of time to decide for the big day but these mood boards always help inspire me and its a great idea to create them to get a feel of the colour and see how it looks in different scenarios and situations.


Stay Snazzy,

Kirst Ohh

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Monday, June 4, 2012

Hilarious Wedding Cake Cutting Pics

this couple make me giggle... then want to replicate their cake moves at my own wedding.


xoxo Kirst

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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wedding Dress Inspiration II

Low or Open Back

Since getting engaged late last year I have been thinking of wedding dresses and dreaming of different ideas and ways to have a dress made (or bought if i find the right one!).  I am not interested in spending an outrageous amount of money on a dress I can only ever wear one day of my life but that doesn't mean it can't look like it is worth a million dollars!

I always think outside the square, and i'm not one to copy fashion trends and wear what everyone else is wearing. I certainly wear what I want when I want so it will be no exception when I choose my wedding dress.

A 'look' I quite like at the moment is the low or open back.  I have a small frame so am lucky that I can get away with it and because I have a small bust, I figure why not show off my back.  It is a sexy way of showing some skin and by keeping the front really classy and demure, a low back can look very elegant.

As my fiance and I are planning a warm beach wedding, this could be a good way to have a gorgeous elegant dress but have that slightly beachy informal feel by showing a bit of skin at the same time!  And a nice bronzed back would look amazing in a low back white,ivory or cream coloured gown. 

That's not to say that I won't turn up in a multi-coloured dress ha!  I do love my colour!

Here are some pics I have collected over the last few months.  I am very excited for the day I go dress shopping with my special people.

xoxo Kirst
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