Saturday, September 8, 2012

Cut out wedding dress - Lady Gaga desinger

Um.. not so sure about this one! 

UK model and DJ Lady Mary Chateris (don't worry I have no idea who she is either) got wed at the start of this month in a Pam Hogg designer dress.  

Who is Pam Hogg I hear you say? Well she has dressed the likes of Lady Gaga and its not surprise to see why Gaga chose her to dress her when you look at this wedding dress!!

What looks like mesh cut outs and silk panels with a tulle ruffle skirt aaaaand long sleeves, is totally not my cup of tea, you shouldn't be able to see your belly button on your wedding day right?!! 

I believe you should always wear whatever the heck you want so good for her, she has the figure for it but the mesh and the seems and the low jutting out mermaid skirt. It just really doesn't work at all.

What do you think?  Would you be game enough to wear a dress like this for your wedding?

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Monday, September 3, 2012

Video invitations

Happy Monday! 

Ive been browsing the internet on one of my favourite wedding blogs ( and came across this awesome Save the date wedding video -click link below.

I have never seen a video invite before and thought it was such a great way to get the word out to your guests especially if like us they are all over the world. I love making youtube videos so this is something I would consider doing.

I love how this couple did the video together, it is so cute and such a good effort. It took them 15 hours to complete.  I'm not sure my fiance would be able to paint for that long but I really like the creativity behind it!  

What do you think, would you be game enough to create a video?

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