Monday, July 30, 2012

Watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - Episode 4

Episode 4

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Stay Snazzy,

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Watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - Episode 3

Episode 3

Part One

Part Two

Part Three - Seems to be missing sorry!

Part 4

Stay Snazzy!

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Watch my Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - Episode 2

Episode 2

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

This episode follows another traveller wedding but also focuses on the community troubles when it comes to the council and where they are legally allowed to live.  

Let me know what you think!

Stay Snazzy,


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Sunday, July 29, 2012

Watch My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding - Episode 1


Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

What do you think? 

 It is such a different way of life. I certainly won't have a huge dress like these girls do, it's all SO OVER THE TOP!

Stay Snazzy,


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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Rachel Gilbert - The Metallic Wedding Dress!

Metallic Wedding Dresses for the Bride  (or Bridesmaids)!

Wow, so im pretty certain i really really want something metallic or with metallic sparkly gorgeous embellishments.

I used to think i wasn't into that but WHOA that was until I came across Australian designer, Rachel Gilbert.  Her dresses are beyond amazing and simply beautiful.

I always thought I would inject colour through flowers and accessories so going a bit metallic on the dress could really work.  Check out these stunning dresses and let me know what you think in the comment box below. Each come in a nude or white version with the occasional one in a colour option too (like the teal one below).

These dresses range from $950 to $1,150 and are all embellished and made with 100% silk.

Top (L-R):     Yael Gown     $995.00          Sonya Gown            $1,050.00
Middle (L-R):  Sonya Gown    $1,050.00        Ashleigh Long Dress   $950.00
Bottom (L-R):  Kaitlin Gown  $995.00          Olivia Gown           $1,150.00

All prices quoted in $AUD.

See all the amazing gowns and dresses here. (Rachel Gilbert online store)

Stay Snazzy,


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Thursday, July 19, 2012

facebooking weddings!

This is so funny! 

I don't think i will be jumping on facebook the minute I say I do, as I will be having way to much fun for that.

BUT it brings up an interesting point about your guests racing to upload pics before you have even said "i do", kissed each other and walked down the isle together.

While I hate for the surprise to be ruined via facebook when the professional photos look so much better than ones off phones taken way up the back of the ceremony... I am totally guilty of loving when someone uploads a pic of the bride and groom from whatever wedding I wasnt invited to!

The way I see it, at least your friend or family member who is uploading is just excited and wants to spread the love and celebration of seeing their fave people tie the knot.

Stay Snazzy,

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Coloured Wedding Dresses

I am the queen of colour. I live for colour.  So when it comes to a wedding dress I have thought about the possibility of having a coloured wedding dress. 
(for about 5 seconds).

I do like the idea of  heavy colour accents in the accessories with a ivory gown but for fun and seeing as i am so into colour I thought why not do a bit of research and see what options there are out there.

To my surprise, colour is very in at the moment. 

Muted tones and pastel colours are a great option when deciding on a coloured wedding dress. It just works better, you want to look elegant, beautiful and sophisticated on your wedding day so having an offensively bright dress can detract from actual wedding a little and create more of a shock factor. (think gypsy wedding, this one happens to have put her bridesmaids in the offensive dresses, I know mine would die if i made them wear these!!  he he )  

 -Gypsy wedding-

If you are into shock and over the top-ness then go for it girl!  There is absolutely nothing wrong with that but for me, while I inject colour into nearly every aspect of my life (and I mean bright colour….see my website if you are not yet familiar with my style), I think a soft version of colour would work best if i was to do it.

I really like the idea of using an evening gown as an option  for a wediding dress- your wedding dress doesn't even have to be technically made to be a wedding dress.  Any haute couture gown will work perfectly!

The location we have chose wouldn’t really work with a big beacon of a dress anyway so softer colours and metallics are what I prefer If I was to go down the coloured route.

At the end of the day the bride can do whatever the heck she wants – its her wedding dress and her wedding day.  I love how you are the only one who can decide, its really lovely to have a day where it is all about you and all up to you.  I am definitely enjoying that aspect of it, especially as we all live such busy lives and I am often catering to others. To take the time out to write these blogs and research on the internet and magazines has become my special time. I LOVE IT!  Those of you engaged or already married will understand this, those who are yet to be trust me it is so fun and exciting and definitely something to look forward to.  You can do whatever you want, however simple or extravagant as you like.  This is your one and only day so make it count!

Stay Snazzy,

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